

This Week's Junk at School

I would like to introduce a weekly project to this blog. I want to track the junk that is given to my children at school every week. Just a list that tells the things that I am aware of that they are given to eat at school each week as extra "treats", the occasional school lunch menu breakdown (my kids take their lunch). Feel free to add your own list in the comments section below.

This Weeks Junk

1.) Peanut butter cake
2.) Chocolate Donuts
3.) Capri Sun
4.) Sweet Tarts
5.) Store Bought Cupcake
6.) Snack mix: Goldfish crackers, pretzels, gummy bears, chocolate chips

Now that's just what I can remember at this moment. We have school age children with Type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease, and obesity.

School Lunch I'd like to Pick on Today

Tuesday January 17th
On the menu:

Grilled Chicken on a Whole Wheat Bun ( at least it was grilled!)
why do they need the bun on the chicken with all the carbohydrates that follow with these side items? -Bun at least 20 Carbs

French fries - at least 20 carbs
Fruit Freeze - at least 15 carbs
Tropical Fruit - at least 15 carbs
Rice Crispy Treat - at least 15 carbs
Assorted Milk (Includes Strawberry and Chocolate) - at least 15 carbs

Grand Total: 100 carbs (I am probably under guessing here) this is a Kindergartners lunch menu for our school.

How do I know these carb counts? My son is Type 1 diabetic (autoimmune form) He could Never eat this lunch! Why should your child?


  1. How do you ensure your children really do eat the lunch they bring and not this junk off or from other children's plates?

  2. Well first of all my oldest in 10 so it may get worse as she enters the teen years. I have had that happen some. They have come home and told me that other kids offered them Cheetos and stuff because they pitied them for eating well, ha ha. My children have been eating well most of their lives however so usually their stomachs hurt when they eat poor quality food and so they are learning from that experience to say no. Also if you eat real food and stop eating packaged food usually your taste buds will evolve and the fake stuff loses it's appeal. Kids will be kids of course so they do occasionally eat cupcakes and things at school and that is understandable even if it makes me cringe.
